being run on 3 processors ptraj found! Using /home/swails/newamber/Release/amber11/bin/ptraj sander found! Using /home/swails/newamber/Release/amber11/bin/sander nmode program found! Using /home/swails/newamber/Release/amber11/bin/mmpbsa_py_nabnmode Preparing trajectories with ptraj... 50 frames were read in and processed by ptraj for use in calculation. Processing 9 frames with normal mode analysis. Starting calculations Starting nmode calculations... Calculations complete. Writing output file(s)... Timing: Processing Trajectories With Ptraj: 0.067 min. Total Harmonic nmode Calculation Time: 2073.377 min. Output File Writing Time: 0.004 min. Total Time Taken: 2119.341 min. MMPBSA Finished. Thank you for using. Please send any bugs/suggestions/comments to